
Saint Gothic Designs

Art Moon Magazine X Gallery

Art Moon Magazine X Gallery

by: Wish Fire

Saint Gothic

Art Moon Magazine X Gallery
Claude Monet's Water Lilies, 1908
Middle Ages
Art galleries first began appearing in the Middle Ages, when wealthy aristocrats established private collections to display their wealth and status. These exhibitions were often held in grand palaces and cathedrals and attracted a wide audience1. The concept of public art exhibitions took root in 17th century Europe, leading to the emergence of public art galleries3. The first public art museum and gallery opened in the city of Basel in 1661
In memory of the millions who lost their lives during the Holocaust.
Art Moon Magazine X Gallery
Usagi Tsukino
Kim69876365/statusschiaparelli ss25 couture backstage — a thread
Art Moon Magazine X Gallery
80 years ago, the survivors of Auschwitz and Birkenau were freed from horror. We pay tribute to the millions who died at the hands of barbarity.
On behalf of all victims, let us never forget what anti-Semitism and hatred lead to.
Air dominance, but make it art.
Art Moon Magazine X Gallery
GlobalEye flying over the Nordic coast line
From 1925 to now. An amalgam of epochs, moods, and techniques are woven throughout the #FendiSS25 campaign photographed by Steven Meisel.
The first galleries were in the palaces of the aristocracy, or in churches.
As art collections grew, buildings became dedicated to art, becoming the first art museums.
Among the modern reasons art may be displayed are aesthetic enjoyment, education, historic preservation, or for marketing purposes.
Art Moon Magazine X Gallery
The terms 'art museum' and 'art gallery' may be used interchangeably as reflected in the names of institutions around the world, some of which are called galleries (e.g. the National Gallery and Neue Nationalgalerie), and some of which are called museums (e.g. the Museum of Modern Art and National Museum of Western Art). However, establishments that display art for other purposes, but serve no museum functions, are only called art galleries.
Although primarily concerned with visual art, art museums are often used as a venue for other cultural exchanges and artistic activities where the art object is replaced by practices such as performance art, dance, music concerts, or poetry readings.
The art world comprises everyone involved in the production and distribution of fine art.
The market for fine art depends upon maintaining its distinction as high culture, although during recent decades the boundary between high and popular culture has been eroded by postmodernism.
Exhibitions of art operating similar to current galleries for marketing art first appeared in the early modern period, approximately 1500 to 1800 CE. In the Middle Ages that preceded, painters and sculptors were members of guilds, seeking commissions to produce artworks for aristocratic patrons or churches.
The establishment of academies of art in the 16th century represented efforts by painters and sculptors to raise their status from mere artisans who worked with their hands to that of the classical arts such as poetry and music, which are purely intellectual pursuits. However, the public exhibition of art had to overcome the bias against commercial activity, which was deemed beneath the dignity of artists in many European societies.
Commercial art galleries were well-established by the Victorian era, made possible by the increasing number of people seeking to own objects of cultural and aesthetic value. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century there were also the first indications of modern values regarding art; art as an investment versus pure aesthetics, and the increased attention to living artists as an opportunity for such investment.
Commercial galleries owned or operated by an art dealer or "gallerist" occupy the middle tier of the art market, accounting for most transactions, although not those with the highest monetary values. Once limited to major urban art worlds such as New York, Paris and London, art galleries have become global. Another trend in globalization is that while maintaining their urban establishments, galleries also participate in art fairs such as Art Basel and Frieze Art Fair.
Art galleries are the primary connection between artists and collectors. At the high end of the market, a handful of elite auction houses and dealers sell the work of celebrity artists; at the low end artists sell their work from their studio, or in informal venues such as restaurants. Point-of-sale galleries connect artists with buyers by hosting exhibitions and openings. The artworks are on consignment, with the artist and the gallery splitting the proceeds from each sale. Depending upon the expertise of the gallery owner and staff, and the particular market, the artwork shown may be more innovative or more traditional in style and media.
Sunset in Bora Bora


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